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Governance Structure


Institute's Governance Structure

The Institute's Governance Structure comprises:

Governing Board, which is responsible for providing general policy direction with respect to the Institute's mandate

Chief Executive Officer, who is appointed by the President for a single five-yer term on the recommendation of the Head of the Civil Service of the federation, through a competitive selection process, and on an agreed performance contract.

Directors/Heads of Department, who are responsible to the Chief Executive Officer for the day-to-day discharge of their responsibilities.


Structure of the Institute's Faculty

The institute runs a hybrid faculty, which integrates:

Academic theory and practice;

A lean core faculty and an outsourced adjunct faculty of broad-based and practice-oriented experts.

Quality Assurance Mechanism

The Institute's Quality Assurance Mechanism is to constitute a Quality Assurance Panel, comprising representatives of clients and stakeholders, course participants (present and Alumni) and staff to regularly ensure that the quality of services meets the exact dynamic standards, expectations of clients and stakeholders and consistent with industry best practices.

Risk Control and Management Mechanism

The Institute has embarked on engaging the services of experts to list all foreseeable risks, categorize and prioritize them, forecast the likelihood of their occurrence and potential impact, should they eventuate. Also, the experts are to provide an appropriate mechanism for tracking risks as well as adequate preventive and contingent actions. The Risk Control and Management Plan is to be used frequently to ensure that risks are urgently mitigated, thereby boosting the Institute's chances of achieving success.

Business Model

The Institute is run on a business model that is predicated on the principle of cost-consciousness in conducting government business under the Public-Private-Partnership Policy. Accordingly, the Institute conducts its business in a manner that moves it away from over-dependence on direct government budgetary support, under an efficiency and efficacy agenda by:

Adhering to the principles of cost-recoverey and value-for-money (vfm)

Leasing-out some of its facilities in accordance with the applicable government policy

Directly managing and charging fees on facilities for Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Retreats

Outsourcing experts and service providers in accordance with the extant government policy

Branding and marketing programmes, management consultancy, and research advisory services.

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